Digitization: insurer advances in data-driven culture

Solution developed by act digital digitized the entire sales process, increasing efficiency, sales, and strategic use of data


Improve the performance and traceability of the life insurance sales process


Digitize the broker’s entire sales journey with application development, APIs, and systems integration to favor the company’s data-driven culture


100% digitized sales process, with data capture for decision making, efficiency and agility in the broker’s journey, increased new customer attraction, and conversion rates in the sales funnel

Efficient and digitized processes are beneficial for any company, regardless of its field of activity or size. In the franchise market, these characteristics are even more necessary to make the operation viable, facilitating the propagation of the business model among franchisees and enhancing financial results. More than that: digitization allows the brand to capture information and strategically manage data. Thus, the data-driven culture is born.

This was the path taken by one of act digital’s clients. The company is one of the largest insurers in the life insurance segment, and its operations are carried out in the form of franchises, with thousands of brokers franchised by the brand. The company’s challenge was to digitize the insurance sales journey to generate efficiency gains and favor the use of data for decision-making.

Get to know right now the solution we developed and the results that were achieved!


Client: insurance company

The insurance company that hired act digital to develop this project has been operating in Brazil for 25 years focusing on the life insurance business and is present throughout the national territory. The company’s business model expands through franchising, with the incorporation of hundreds of new franchisees annually.

With thousands of franchises operating in Brazil, the insurance company’s growth depends more and more on digitalization, an essential condition to maximize the company’s sales results and that of franchised brokers, in addition to enabling the adoption of a data-driven culture in the company.

Challenge: boost the sales journey

The personal life insurance market is highly competitive, but it has a lot of potential to grow in Brazil. This context requires efficiency and analytical intelligence from companies operating in the segment. Gaining digital maturity, in this sense, is essential.

Digitization and strategic data management were the main demands of the insurance company that hired act digital. Initially, improvements on these fronts are aimed at increasing sales results and favoring decision-making. The company’s operating model, in the form of franchises, with thousands of brokers in operation, requires a functional solution that can be used simply and quickly by franchisees.

Thus, the insurer presented the challenge: to improve the performance and traceability of the life insurance sales process by digitalizing the entire sales journey of the broker.


Solution: digitization and integration

With the aim of favoring the data-driven culture in the insurance company and enabling strategic decision-making, act digital developed a sales monitoring platform for the management, regulation, and accounting areas. The project was tailor-made for the company, taking into account all the specificities of its business model. In the development of the solution, new applications and APIs were designed for integration with the legacy system.


To create the solution according to the project’s demands, act digital resorted to a set of methodologies focused on mapping the entire journey of franchised brokers, such as:

  • Immersion
  • Product Inception
  • Design Thinking


In the development of the platform, the act digital team used the following technologies:

  • Multiplatform System (Web, iOS, Android)
  • Ionic 5.x
  • Angular 9.x
  • .NET core
  • Microservices
  • Clean Architecture

Results: data-driven sales process

With a user-centric solution, act digital was able to provide the insurance company with resources capable of optimizing processes, increasing financial performance and generating data for decision-making. Check out the results achieved with the project!

  • Formatting of an agile and efficient journey for brokers, improving performance with insurance sales
  • Complete digitization of the sales process, capturing 100% of the data for data-driven decisions
  • Increased sales funnel conversion rates and attraction of new customers

How we can help your company

act digital supports companies operating in the insurance segment, creating and developing customized solutions, aligned with the needs of each company. Our experts understand market dynamics and are able to deliver services that help companies overcome barriers, advance digital transformation, and gain competitive advantage.

In this process, data management is a fundamental point. Most of the solutions designed for the insurance segment cover the precise, agile, and strategic use of information. We build solutions that facilitate data management, as in the case described in this article. By digitizing processes, our experts were able to deliver a platform to the client that, in addition to facilitating the journey of brokers, can monitor all sales activities, generating strategic insights for decision-making.

With a disruptive approach, we leverage the use of data in companies in the segment, enabling real-time monitoring, the creation of predictive models, and the delivery of customized offers. Check out some of the technologies we use in our solutions!

  • IoT and Machine Learning
  • Cloud Computing
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Strategic Data Management

Digitization is the basis for consolidating processes supported by analytical intelligence and a data-driven culture. Shall we move forward together on the journey of digital transformation? Talk to our experts.

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