Healthtech automates accounts receivable processes


One of the largest Brazilian healthtechs needed to reduce costs and failures in the processing of receivables in credit and debit card transactions


The solution developed by act digital was based on robotic process automation (RPA), which allowed the company to capture data on receivables available from different sources to process the information and enter it into the ERP system.


The implementation of RPA in the accounts receivable area generated an efficiency gain of more than 200 hours per month, reducing costs with manual processing of information and mitigating the occurrence of failures in the sector

Accounts Receivable is a department of great importance within organizations. It is responsible for ensuring that all payments are processed on time and accurately. Mistakes in this department can cause discomfort for all parties involved.

The department also ensures that customers are billed accordingly. Because of its importance, improvements in this area are always welcomed by business leaders.

However, manually managing all these accounts, in addition to demanding a lot of time from the team and strict control, exposes the area to errors that can compromise the financial health of a company.

Therefore, investing in RPA can be the solution to reduce occurrences. Process automation has been increasingly used by companies from different sectors to deal with basic and repetitive day-to-day tasks and help in decision-making based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

See below how act digital helped a client to optimize their accounts receivable processes and the results obtained.


Client: healthcare and evolving technology

The partner company is a healthtech with more than ten years of experience and that operates around 35 medical centers in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

Our partner has served more than 2 million customers and has more than a thousand registered health professionals. With such a robust structure, there is a huge volume of data and processes for the accounts payable and receivable teams.

Technology is part of this startup’s DNA and, therefore, it is always looking for technological solutions that facilitate the day to day of the company and its clients. This innovative vein is part of its values.

In a scenario of growth, and with a modern vision for the future, the time has come to invest in automation.

Challenge: optimize receivables management

In 2011, the startup started its activities with its first — and at the time, only — medical center. Today, 11 years later, their operations have grown and so has the volume of data they deal with on a daily basis.

However, the growth of services provided and financial results were also accompanied by an increase in internal operations, in the amount of data and in the complexity of processes.

The challenge faced by the startup when it sought the support of act digital was to reduce costs with failures and delays in receipts.

The processing of accounts receivable was done manually, which meant high operating costs and subjected the healthtech to failures arising from the lack of centralization of information.

Solution: robotic process automation

Knowing the challenge, act digital developed a robotic process automation (RPA) solution, the same one created for the accounts payable sector. The focus of this project was to structure a system to capture and process information about receivables that were dispersed in different data sources.

Through automated processes, the solution should daily download the databases that have the records of payments via debit or credit card, in addition to concatenating and sanitizing this data for launch via API in the ERP (Oracle) extract.


The solution was developed in four core steps:

  1. Preparation of operating instructions for the portals and systems involved in the process
  2. Development of robotic processes, tests, go live, and assisted operation with the customer
  3. Creation of an improvement plan with prioritization of the RPA development backlog together with the client
  4. Implementation of a communication protocol with the business areas in case of operational incidents


The following technologies were applied to implement the solution:

  • RPA
  • UiPath

Results: more market and sales at scale

The automation of processes is capable of generating excellent results, as the gains are perceived immediately after the implementation of the technology. With the healthtech, it was no different. See the main results obtained!

  • More than 12,500 databases of card transactions extracted from the Equals tool in 7 months
  • More than 15,000 robotic process completion alerts sent to stakeholders
  • 2 RPAs with daily operation without interruption
  • More than 12,500 receipts recorded in an extract from the Oracle system with high precision
  • Gain of more than 200 hours of efficiency per month

Capturing and reconciling information on receivables ensured operational efficiency for the company, with greater agility in processing financial information and a significant reduction in costs. With this, our partner is able to streamline internal processes and achieve better financial results.

How we can help your company

The technological specialization of our team allows us to offer modern and innovative solutions to our clients who work in the health area. We develop resources that improve the patient experience, automate processes, generate operational and financial efficiency gains, among other benefits that we manage to deliver, in an agile and effective way.

We have a qualified team with expertise to implement the most advanced technologies for the health segment. In this way, we create competitive advantages for any business in the sector, enabling the application of predictive models based on assistance and the analytical vision necessary for early decision-making guided by data. Get to know some technologies that we can implement in your company!

  • Big Data and Cognitive Computing
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Telemedicine
  • PA and APIs

Did you identify one or more points in the case that are similar to your challenges? Talk to our experts and count on the support of **act digital ** to develop the solution that will make automation a reality in your company!

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