Insurance company modernizes and centralizes authentication processes

With a solution developed by act digital, the company strengthened security in accessing information and systems


Insurance company with 40 years in the market needed to simplify authentication and authorization management to increase the level of data protection and information security


act digital performed the technological and architectural change regarding the authentication of users, such as employees, brokers, and customers, ensuring secure and remote access to the system


Through the solution, the insurance company improved the security of authentication processes and centralized corporate login management, simplifying control over authentication and access authorization

Data is an increasingly valuable asset for organizations. Protecting them from internal or external corruption and illegal access prevents the company from financial loss, reputational damage, degradation of consumer confidence, and brand compromise.

In addition, with the arrival of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), it was necessary to be even more attentive when handling the most diverse information. Within this context, companies are increasingly investing in technological solutions that inhibit this type of risk and possible attacks, whether manual or cybernetic.

This was the path taken by one of act digital’s clients. The company is one of the largest insurance companies in the world and, knowing the importance of good digital security, decided to invest in modern technology to guarantee secure access to its information.

Check out the solution found by our client here at act digital!


Client: insurance company in the process of modernization

The insurance company, which operates globally, has been in Brazil for over 40 years and has a solid structure. Its ecosystem has more than 60 branches and offices in several cities across the country.

The insurance sector is one of the fastest growing in our country, as people understand the need for this solution to bring more peace of mind to their lives. However, companies need to modernize to meet current demands.

Our partner’s growth is linked to the digitization of its business and the increase in the number of employees and the data it receives and handles on a daily basis. Therefore, investing in technology and security is a necessary concern.

Challenge: simplify authentication and authorization

When the client approached us, their main objective was to simplify the authentication and authorization management of employees and partners in their system, with the aim of increasing the level of security in their accesses.

With the pandemic, many employees started to work remotely or in a hybrid way, making companies need to redouble their care with information security.

Knowing that the human factor is one of the main factors responsible for attacks, and also a gateway for hackers and other threats, the insurance company turned to act digital to help resolve this issue.

Solution: efficiency and security in authentication

In order to keep information secure even with brokers working remotely, act digital made a technological change and in the architecture used for user authentication (employees, brokers, customers), thus meeting the demands of growth and security.


To create the solution according to the project’s demands, we used a set of methodologies, always focusing on mapping all employee access and security needs.

Therefore, we used the workshop method with mixed dynamics of Lean Inception and Design Sprint to identify the insurance company’s needs. Here at act digital, solutions are designed in a customized and exclusive way for each client, as we understand that each corporation has unique challenges to overcome.

We also developed a solution that met the demands of the business and the broker, such as the creation of a unified corporate login API for integration in internal and external channels.


In the development of the solution, the act digital team used several technologies, such as:

  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • AWS (Cloud, CloudWatch, Redis, DynamoDB, SQS...)
  • Rancher
  • Postman (Test Automation)
  • Docker

Results: centralized authentication management

As a result, in addition to security improvements, such as the implementation of the 2AF (Second Authentication Factor) for the company and brokers, we also built a new corporate login concept, replacing the old solution, which had a decentralized management model.

The new solution helped to standardize authentication management, ensuring that employees’ routine is safe and effective, including brokers and associates who work in the most different locations in Brazil. With an understanding of the challenge and the right solution, we meet customer expectations regarding the security of their information.

How we can help your company

act digital offers innovative services to companies operating in the insurance segment. With agility and customization, we implement the most appropriate technologies and processes to solve the most complex challenges faced by our clients.

We managed to deliver effective results because our experts know the insurance market and master the most advanced technologies in the segment. This is the case of data management and information security, two critical issues for the sector.

Effective data management and purposeful operational processes help insurers adapt to the new digital market, which is increasingly demanding with regard to the security and handling of customer data. In addition, new laws emerge frequently and require compliance from companies.

To face these and many other challenges, we resort to the most innovative technologies associated with the act digital framework, which guarantees precision and agility in the conduct of projects. Discover some of the technological solutions we are providing to the insurance market!

  • IoT and Machine Learning
  • Cloud Computing
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Strategic Data Management

Do you want to digitize your processes and ensure more security with these solutions? Talk to our experts and rely on the expertise of act digital.

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