Performance analysis qualifies streaming operations

Platform adopted act digital’s solution to institute real-time data analysis, improving decision-making, team engagement, and user experience


Streaming platform hired act digital to strengthen the engagement of the technical teams involved in the operation and improve decision-making through data


act digital implemented tools for viewing data on the platform’s performance, with real-time monitoring of more than 130 sources of metrics


The communication group was able to strengthen the engagement of the technical teams and institute performance and data analysis to improve the operation’s strategies

Streaming is already enshrined as one of the main platforms for media consumption worldwide. After gaining user acceptance, companies operating in this segment face the challenge of improving the experience provided to consumers. This is the only way to attract and retain the public. In this sense, data is indispensable.

The subscriber base is a rich source of information for streaming platforms. Data relating to the profile and preferences of customers help define strategies and guide all processes, with a focus on ensuring better results for the business. For this, it is necessary to structure technological resources and procedures aimed at the analytical view of the operation.

One of the largest communication companies in Brazil hired act digital to develop a performance analysis solution for its streaming platform. The project was conducted by a multidisciplinary team, which structured the entire analytical intelligence part of the operation, covering the extraction, ingestion, and transformation of data for more than 130 sources of metrics, which can now be easily monitored in real time.


Client: from print to streaming

By expanding its operations to streaming, one of the largest communication and media groups in Brazil identified the need to improve the platform’s analytical intelligence in order to monitor performance indicators in real time for more assertive decision-making about the service.

The in-depth knowledge of the entertainment market is a differential of the company, which produces content for all platforms, covering printed, digital, and audiovisual products. A reference in information and entertainment, the group knows the profile of the Brazilian public well, but understands the need to keep up with the changes brought about by the digital age.

Promoting experiences is one of the objectives pursued by the organization. Audience data analysis is a decisive factor for the brand to achieve this goal and maintain leadership in a highly competitive market, such as streaming.

Challenge: performance and engagement on the platform

The production of content for streaming is built from the interaction between multiple teams, which develop different audiovisual projects in parallel or that work in different stages of the creation process. The greater the alignment between these professionals, the better the result achieved. The challenge faced by the group was to strengthen the engagement of the technical teams through an analytical view of the platform’s performance.

In this context, data and indicators serve to guide all processes, according to user preferences. Based on more accurate information, it is possible to improve the organization of processes, ensuring alignment between different production stages and strengthening the engagement of technical teams.

Solution: analytical view

The company managed to structure the analytical view on the performance of the streaming platform with a solution developed by act digital. This project was conducted by a multidisciplinary team of experts, who, based on agile methodologies and immersion, created and implemented customized resources for real-time analysis, compatible with the reality and demands of the business.

The analytical vision features aim to provide the technical teams with real-time data on the platform’s performance, user engagement, public preference for content, streaming rejection rate, among other essential information to strengthen the performance of the business group in that market.


To develop the project, the multidisciplinary squad applied the act digital framework, which uses agile models to define the challenges faced by the communication group and outline the best strategies to achieve the projected results. In this process, we employ the following methodologies:

  • Immersion
  • Product Inception
  • Design Thinking
  • Development of data extraction, ingestion, and transformation, containing more than 130 sources of metrics


The performance analysis solution structured by act digital combines a set of technologies, including:

  • Python;
  • Kafka;
  • HDFS;
  • Spark;
  • Microservices;
  • Clean Architecture;
  • Reacts;
  • GCP.

Results: data-driven streaming

With the performance analysis solution implemented by act digital, the group was able to remodel the strategies for the streaming platform, guiding all decisions and operations through data. In addition to helping directors and products with regard to content, a more consistent analysis of performance indicators strengthens the commitment of the professionals involved in the processes, generating greater alignment between different areas and stages.

It is possible to list three major results provided directly by the adopted solution:

  • Real-time performance analysis
  • More assertive decisions based on data
  • Greater engagement of teams in relation to performance

In addition to these direct results, there are other indirect benefits arising from the solution, such as the possibility of establishing continuous improvements in the operation based on the analysis of indicators, increased user satisfaction and gains in operational and financial efficiency.

How we can help your company

Today, media consumption on any platform is linked to digital experience. Even the most traditional content formats are available on multiple screens. Regardless of the access device, the experience needs to be consistent and increasingly customized. These are two of the main challenges faced by the telecommunications and media segment.

act digital has a team of experts who know this market well and develop innovative solutions to ensure the continuous evolution of communication companies. We strengthened the analytical view of operations and implemented technological tools capable of improving user experience, automating processes, improving process efficiency, and generating competitive advantage.

Among the main services we provide in this segment, the following stand out:

  • Development of Digital Journeys;
  • Streaming Strategies;
  • Omnichannel Culture;
  • Process and Data Security;
  • API and Application Creation.

The project described in this article demonstrates the potential of performance analysis to improve the digital experience in the telecommunications and media segment. Now, we want to impact your company! Talk to the experts at act digital.

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