User experience: from immersion to solution


Improve the user experience in the ownership transfer service


Map the entire service journey and ecosystem, identifying pains and opportunities, and building a to-be journey with delivery of value and customer satisfaction


Delivery of three prototypes validated through tests with attendants and end customers, with value generated from the mapping of journeys and personas

User experience is complex and requires understanding the diversity of people who use a given digital solution. Understanding the journey of a heterogeneous public is a challenge faced by companies that provide essential and comprehensive services, as is the case of a large Brazilian energy company, which hired act digital to improve customer satisfaction.

In this project, the act digital team analyzed the service process related to the transfer of ownership requested by the customer and mapped the entire user journey to improve the service provided. The work plan was carried out collaboratively with the internal team over 12 weeks, resulting in the delivery of validated prototypes and the generation of value for the operation.


Client: Brazilian energy company

act digital was hired by a Brazilian company that operates in the national electricity sector to improve the user experience. In addition to distribution and transmission concessions, the business group is innovative in the generation of renewable energy, sold on the free market. The company’s services reach more than 860 municipalities, benefiting millions of people in all regions of the country.

With the digital advance, brand consumers expect to perform traditional services in an agile, simple, and secure way. However, developing platforms and applications to serve such a wide and diverse audience requires analytical intelligence and unique solutions to ensure the best user experience.

Challenge: digital experience in the transfer of ownership

The concession of energy is a complex and comprehensive activity, which requires a series of services provided to the consumer, such as registration, clarifications, inspections, etc.

All properties that have electricity supply guaranteed by the company are linked to an owner (individual or legal entity), but, from time to time, there is a need to change the person in charge. Transfer of ownership is a recurring demand, as dynamic as changes in the real estate market. In other words, it is common for leases and purchases of real estate, among other situations, to result in a change of owner.

As it is a highly demanded service, the energy company faced the challenge of ensuring that the transfer of ownership was carried out quickly and simply, in line with the profile of consumers.

The main challenge presented to act digital, in this case, was to improve the user experience in the ownership transfer service. For this, it would be necessary to perform other procedures, such as:

  • Mapping the entire service journey and ecosystem;
  • Detecting pains and opportunities; and
  • Building a to-be journey with delivery of value and customer satisfaction.

Solution: from immersion to the to-be journey

Based on the challenge presented, act digital developed a work plan that lasted 12 weeks, with face-to-face and remote rounds, to formulate the most appropriate solutions and to-be journeys to ensure the satisfaction of the end customer in the ownership transfer process.

Work Plan

Over the course of 12 weeks, act digital’s multidisciplinary team managed the process of creating the solution to improve the consumer experience in the change of ownership. The work plan was structured in five stages, namely:


  • Recruitment and Interview Script
  • Analysis of the Current Scenario and Context


  • As-Is Journey Workshop
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Research
  • Shadowing and Focus Group

Analysis and Synthesis

  • Consolidation of Interviews
  • Insights, User Journeys, Personas


  • Co-Creation Workshop
  • Prototyping of Solutions

Validation and Finalization

  • Scripts and Application of Usability Tests
  • Consolidation and Final Report of the Project

The immersion stage was based on surveys carried out in person and remotely. In total, we applied more than 1,000 quantitative and 74 qualitative surveys. We also carried out 52 on-site observations (shadowing method), 16 as-is journey workshops and 9 focus groups. With this, we were able to gather the main insights for the next steps; among them, we identified 69 pains, 37 needs, and 18 opportunities.

In the ideation stage , carried out face-to-face, we promoted 26 collaborative workshops, which resulted in a broad set of ideas. We consolidated 65 app suggestions and 53 agency and totem proposals. Of these, 11 ideas were refined. Thus, we were able to build two to-be journeys for the project.

The solution presented resulted in three prototypes (application, tablet, and totem) and tests carried out with participants (customers and company attendants). In addition, other 15 insights were generated for the app and 26 for the agency and totem.


Results: value generated by collaboration

act digital led the process of creating the solution collaboratively, involving the company’s internal team and customers to arrive at a project that was more aligned with the user’s needs. At the end of all stages, we were able to meet the expectations of the contracting company. See the results achieved!

  • Value delivery with the mapping of journeys and personas
  • Visibility of the process mat and its end-to-end interactions Assertive targeting of customer needs Creation of backlog of performance in correlated projects Inclusion of new tools in the face-to-face service Engagement between areas of the organization Review of service metrics for the service provided Review of the stages of the internal service system

In the perception of the company’s digital channels coordinator, the synergy built throughout the project generated effective results. “The act team understood that our biggest challenge is to create digital solutions that are accessible to our diverse audience. They delved deep into understanding the reality of our clients, became part of the team, and masterfully led the creation of solutions with a high impact on the user experience and great value for the business.”

How we can help your company

At act digital, solutions are co-created in partnership with our clients. We have a multidisciplinary team specialized in managing agile and efficient work plans, focused on delivering high-impact results.

We form the best squads in the market to conduct complete projects, covering the creation of the digital experience, the development of solutions, and the continuous gain of scale. We specialize in bringing together the best talent to execute the most complex projects, including ramping and hiring professionals in record time.

Our services cover:

  • Digital Experience
  • Digital Production and Channel
  • Business Agility
  • Digital Operations
  • Digital Architecture
  • Agile SW and Quality Engineering
  • DevOps and Cloud
  • Data and Analytics
  • Cybersecurity
  • eCommerce

In this case, act digital impacted the user experience through a collaborative work plan, swiftly conducted by our squads from planning to validation. We can develop customised solutions and generate value in your company, too. Talk to our experts!

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